Colonel Xavier Ferrer, Behemoth (Stone Rhino)
Mechwarrior Feyzi, Cestus CTS-6Y
Mechwarrior Connor Calada, Warhammer WHM-7A
The mech forces of the Company were originally scrounged or salvaged from whatever source was available. As the Company has had more and more success, Colonel Ferrer has begun the process of upgrading and organizing units more to his liking. At present, Colonel Ferrer does not intend to grow the Free Company any further and so has focused resources on upgrading units rather than expanding. As a result, almost all mechs in First Battalion now field upgraded technology. In addition, the Company fields some clantech from the one foray into Clan territory.
Colonel Ferrer prefers mechs of medium weight class or greater. He prefers to assign conventional armor and infantry units to the tasks frequently assigned to light mech units. Each company in First Battalion contains one lance of medium jump-capable mechs who act as harrassers and probing units and two lances of heavy and assault mechs that are intended to serve as anchors and fire support for all other units in the Company.
Captain Isabella Fuentes, Cataphract CTF-3L
Mechwarrior Tibalt Tsao, Stalker STK-3Fb
Mechwarrior Michael, Orion ON1-MA
Mechwarrior Dušana Zuzoric, Archer ARC-5W
Lieutenant Boyd French, Komodo KIM-2A
Mechwarrior Nazibe Bambach, Enforcer ENF-5D (Daniel)
Mechwarrior Jay Tibbett, Shadow Hawk SHD-5M
Lieutenant Joyce Lamberti, Cyclops CP-11-O
Mechwarrior Mihai Stanescu, Zeus ZEU-5T
Mechwarrior Hatim Kadeer, Axman AXM-1N
Mechwarrior Dean Takala, Awesome AWS-9Q
Mechwarrior Leonardo Yang, Exterminator EXT-4Db
Mechwarrior Brock Tomi, Griffin GRF-2N
Lieutenant Tim Kohn, Grizzly
Mechwarrior Darryl Hughes, Thunderbolt TDR-9SE
Mechwarrior Christopher Theophanous, Guillotine GLT-5M
Mechwarrior Aythegul, Marauder MAD-5M
Lieutenant Cristi Constantin, Crockett CRK-5003-1b
Mechwarrior Sami Akiaten, Orion ON1-MA
Mechwarrior Markko Kokko, Thug THG-11Eb
Mechwarrior Eryx Gennadios, Thug THG-11Eb
Lieutenant Rasmus, Marauder MAD-5S
Mechwarrior Ricardo, Penetrator PTR-6M
Mechwarrior Lenny West, Warhammer WHM-7S
Mechwarrior Dulcine, Penetrator PTR-6M
Lieutenant Adrian Muth, Lynx LNX-9Q
Mechwarrior Salim van Meer, Phoenix Hawk PXH-3K
Mechwarrior Gülbahar Shorey, Shadow Hawk SHD-5M
Mechwarrior Girard, Wolverine WVR-7M
Mechwarrior Tuva Hedstrom, Caesar CES-3R
Mechwarrior Finnan, Marauder MAD-2R
Mechwarrior Daud Baburkhel, Catapult CPLT-C1b
Second Battalion is the conventional armor battalion of the Free Company. It rarely acts as a full battalion, but rather loans out its companies, and sometimes lances, to other units to provide necessary support. Each company is organized along similiar principles and is capable of acting independently.
Manticore heavy tanks form the backbone of the heavy units in Second Battalion while Pegasus hovercraft are the hovercraft unit of choice. Both of these units are relatively cheap and have a proven battle record. Second Battalion also contains a VTOL lance of Pinto attack VTOLs that often coordinates with the infantry of Third Battalion.
Lieutenant Bagus Kartodirdjo, Pegasus Scout Hover Tank (Missile)
Corporal Takahashi Dâmboiu, J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (ICE)
Corporal Pat Fabila, Pegasus Scout Hover Tank (Missile)
Corporal Moses Paraskos, J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (ICE)
Major Piero Toselli, Manticore Heavy Tank
Sergeant Kani Joe, Manticore Heavy Tank
Corporal Yeong-ha Ch'oe, Manticore Heavy Tank
Corporal Drew Mamalis, Manticore Heavy Tank
Lieutenant Phil Brown, Zhukov Heavy Tank
Sergeant Katine Gorzynski, Zhukov Heavy Tank
Corporal Luis Gracía, Zhukov Heavy Tank
Corporal Cyril Tsardikos, Zhukov Heavy Tank
Captain Christa Henderson, Schrek PPC Carrier
Sergeant Terry Hernández, Schrek PPC Carrier
Corporal Lester Hasler, Burke Defense Tank (Royal)
Corporal David Perin, Alacorn Heavy Tank Mk VI
Lieutenant Napoleon Dhawan, Manticore Heavy Tank
Sergeant Angela Vanni, Manticore Heavy Tank
Corporal Norberto Rosado, Manticore Heavy Tank
Corporal Michael Nviciutie, Manticore Heavy Tank
Lieutenant Casper Blackberg, Pinto Attack VTOL
Sergeant Luis Rivera, Pinto Attack VTOL
Corporal Stela Tilea, Pinto Attack VTOL
Corporal Meliza Despines, Pinto Attack VTOL
Captain Tomas Lustgarten, LRM Carrier
Sergeant Major Naim Chandrashaker, LRM Carrier
Corporal Stuart Coffman, LRM Carrier
Corporal Neil Balkwill, LRM Carrier
Lieutenant Rahma bin Isma'il, Manticore Heavy Tank
Sergeant Branislava Oluwa, Manticore Heavy Tank
Corporal Udo Shibutani, Manticore Heavy Tank
Corporal Amanda Casanova, Manticore Heavy Tank
Lieutenant Charlie MacColl, Pegasus Scout Hover Tank
Corporal Sára Pipko, Pegasus Scout Hover Tank (Missile)
Corporal Shane Azimont, J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (TAG)
Corporal Eddie Sreevijayan, J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (TAG)
Third Battalion is the Free Company’s infantry battalion. It follows the Free World League organizational system of four platoons per company and four companies to a Battalion and is thus much larger than many enemies expect. In addition, Third Battalion contains a separate Transport Company whose units are parceled out to other infantry platoons as needed and an independent commando platoo.
As with most infantry units, Third Battalion’s main role is to hold ground and occupy defensive positions rather than assume an attacking position. However, Third Battalion’s companies also have a variety of specialist roles including recon, spotting, and securit that make infantry an indispensable part of the Free Company’s organization.
Hotel and Kilo Company each contain four mechanized infantry platoons that form the backbone of Third Battalion. Each squad in a given platoon is equipped with a Rock Rover Half-Track or hover jeep with mountings for heavy or pulse lasers. These platoons have the most long range hitting power of any of Third Battalion’s companies, but are also typically more exposed on the battlefield than other companies. To mitigate this exposure, all infantry unit members in this company wear heavy myomer vests. They will typically advance behind the main line of mech and armor forces to avoid drawing fire and hit targets of opportunity as they present themselves. Kilo Company, equipped with pulse lasers, is also highly effective against other infantry units.
Major Casian DeNiro, Mechanized Tracked Squad Heavy Laser
Banner Tomás Cirese, Mechanized Tracked Squad Heavy Laser
Corporal Robin Damasco, Mechanized Tracked Squad Heavy Laser
Corporal Rhonda Nedim, Mechanized Tracked Squad Heavy Laser
Lieutenant Billy Ferrario Ramírez, Mechanized Tracked Squad Heavy Laser
Sergeant Díoguo Jorge, Mechanized Tracked Squad Heavy Laser
Corporal Jan Svendsen, Mechanized Tracked Squad Heavy Laser
Corporal Diptavirya Rangaraj, Mechanized Tracked Squad Heavy Laser
Lieutenant Roshan Ghilzai, Mechanized Tracked Squad Heavy Laser
Sergeant Ha-ro Yamauchi, Mechanized Tracked Squad Heavy Laser
Corporal Wayne Gottlieb, Mechanized Tracked Squad Heavy Laser
Corporal Enrichetta Kurtbek, Mechanized Tracked Squad Heavy Laser
Lieutenant Ekval Subba, Mechanized Tracked Squad Heavy Laser
Sergeant Gianfranco Frassetto, Mechanized Tracked Squad Heavy Laser
Corporal Colin Christl, Mechanized Tracked Squad Heavy Laser
Corporal Alex Castellani, Mechanized Tracked Squad Heavy Laser
Lima company contains four platoons of jump-capable recon infantry. These platoon uses man-portable TAG units to provide spotting services for the Company’s artillery and semi-guided missile systems. The squads of these platoons will typically try to find a concealed position on the battlefield that will boost the effectiveness of their camo suits and call in directed strikes that can quickly take down enemy units.
Captain Orion Cano Sankait, Jump Squad TAG Recon
Sergeant Timuçin Özergin, Jump Squad TAG Recon
Corporal George Thanou, Jump Squad TAG Recon
Corporal Aseela Alican, Jump Squad TAG Recon
Lieutenant José Cortéz, Jump Squad TAG Recon
Sergeant Anemone Jakubczak, Jump Squad TAG Recon
Corporal Crispino Corosi, Jump Squad TAG Recon
Corporal Birgit Broch, Jump Squad TAG Recon
Lieutenant Rosetta Grande, Jump Squad TAG Recon
Master Sergeant Maruccia Subbarayan, Jump Squad TAG Recon
Corporal Syreeta Barrón, Jump Squad TAG Recon
Corporal Mujaahida Bayh, Jump Squad TAG Recon
Lieutenant Edik Hruby, Jump Squad TAG Recon
Sergeant Stanislav Jovovich, Jump Squad TAG Recon
Corporal Josh Maryadi, Jump Squad TAG Recon
Corporal Abdelahi Jumaane, Jump Squad TAG Recon
Mike company contains four platoons of motorized infantry that haul portable LB-X field guns. This gives these platoons the hardest hitting power of any of Third Battalion’s infantry units, although without the mobility of the jump-capable and mechanized forces. They are typically deployed in defensive positions to deter advancing enemy units.
Captain Aaron Prost, Field Gunners (LBX10)
Lieutenant Zakia Tolr, Field Gunners (LBX10)
Lieutenant Ryan Kuo, Field Gunners (LBX10)
Lieutenant Habib Selçuk, Field Gunners (LBX10)
Transport company is a company in name only. Its four Karnov VTOLs and twelve wheeled APCs are distributed amongst the rest of Third Battalions’ units as needed.
Lieutenant John Peczak, Karnov UR Transport
Sergeant Les Hauli, Karnov UR Transport
Corporal Masae Heida, Karnov UR Transport
Corporal Alfie Ita, Karnov UR Transport
Corporal Maria Hussein, Armored Personnel Carrier FCO
PFC Salvador Cafasso, Armored Personnel Carrier FCO
PFC Quint Bresson, Armored Personnel Carrier FCO
PFC Ksitinatha Louganis, Armored Personnel Carrier FCO
Corporal Thuc-An Law, Armored Personnel Carrier FCO
PFC Libuše Lang, Armored Personnel Carrier FCO
PFC Dinh Yi, Armored Personnel Carrier FCO
PFC Aline Ueda, Armored Personnel Carrier FCO
Corporal Craig Ganea, Armored Personnel Carrier FCO
PFC Kyung-tae Chon, Armored Personnel Carrier FCO
PFC Devlin Ibeson, Armored Personnel Carrier FCO
PFC Anne-Karien Louganis, Armored Personnel Carrier FCO
After the mission to Bryant, Colonel Ferrer tasked Major Casian DeNiro with organizing a platoon of recon scouts who could fulfill a variety of roles, including undercover scouting missions on planets prior to the arrival of the Company’s main forces and missions of sabotage against targets of opportunities. As much spies and commandos as soldiers, the members of this unit would need to be highly trained and resourceful.
Major DeNiro drew some of his most talented soldiers from Third Battalion’s infantry companies to create “Ghost Platoon.” Each member of Ghost Platoon is an elite soldier but has also received training in demolitions, stealth, wilderness survival, and undercover operations. Although, they are organized as four separate squads, the members of Ghost Platoon typically operate solo or in small groups to avoid detection. Their missions are typically covert, and involve subterfuge and/or sabotage.
Ghost Platoon is rarely deployed onto the battlefield directly, but if necessary, they can operate as jump demolition squads with camo suits.
Lieutenant Maria Cestini, Commando Squad Demo
Corporal Mo Suravinda, Commando Squad Demo
Corporal Luminita Dumitrescu, Commando Squad Demo
Corporal Frederick Martínez, Commando Squad Demo
Hotel and Kilo Company each contain four mechanized infantry platoons that form the backbone of Third Battalion. Each squad in a given platoon is equipped with a Rock Rover Half-Track or hover jeep with mountings for heavy or pulse lasers. These platoons have the most long range hitting power of any of Third Battalion’s companies, but are also typically more exposed on the battlefield than other companies. To mitigate this exposure, all infantry unit members in this company wear heavy myomer vests. They will typically advance behind the main line of mech and armor forces to avoid drawing fire and hit targets of opportunity as they present themselves. Kilo Company, equipped with pulse lasers, is also highly effective against other infantry units.
Captain Wesley Mathieu, Mechanized Hover Squad Pulse Laser
Sergeant Sanasar Ghorkhmasian, Mechanized Hover Squad Pulse Laser
Corporal Krischnan Bjørnevik, Mechanized Hover Squad Pulse Laser
Corporal Joydeep Rakala, Mechanized Hover Squad Pulse Laser
Lieutenant Salim Baig, Mechanized Hover Squad Pulse Laser
Sergeant Lewis Moore, Mechanized Hover Squad Pulse Laser
Corporal Pandora MacLeod, Mechanized Hover Squad Pulse Laser
Corporal Ed Sato, Mechanized Hover Squad Pulse Laser
Lieutenant John Espinosa, Mechanized Hover Squad Pulse Laser
Sergeant Obiniana Akiaten, Mechanized Hover Squad Pulse Laser
Corporal Dimitri Ugurgieri, Mechanized Hover Squad Pulse Laser
Corporal Adam Questi, Mechanized Hover Squad Pulse Laser
Lieutenant Kamasrama Bahl, Mechanized Hover Squad Pulse Laser
Sergeant Leander Cheung, Mechanized Hover Squad Pulse Laser
Corporal Fintan Spragg, Mechanized Hover Squad Pulse Laser
Corporal Cynthia Duncombe, Mechanized Hover Squad Pulse Laser
The artillery batteries in the Company operate as an independent company under the command of Captain Graeme Graves. They were originally built around the Chaparral artillery tanks and Zephyr hovertanks that the Company received from Comstar for their services. Since then Colonel Ferrer has added eight motorized platoons of infantry hauling Sniper artillery pieces.
Although not technically organized as part of Zulu Company, the Long Toms of the two Fortress dropships can also be added to the Company’s artillery fire when needed.
Captain Graeme Graves, Field Artillery (Sniper)
Lieutenant Franco Silva, Field Artillery (Sniper)
Sergeant Kenny Moundalexakis, Field Artillery (Sniper)
Sergeant Brontë Mousa, Field Artillery (Sniper)
Arrow lance is built around the two Chaparral artillery tanks that the Company received from Comstar for services rendered. Although other units in the Company also have the TAG equipment that the Chaparrals require, Arrow lance also contains its own squadron of light hovercraft all equipped with TAG equipment.
Lieutenant Tara Hoover, Chaparral Missile Artillery Tank
Sergeant Zory Mokerov, Chaparral Missile Artillery Tank
Sergeant Kaymet Yazîcîoglu, Zephyr Hovertank
Corporal Osan Andrada, Zephyr Hovertank
Corporal Gagan Nithin, J. Edgar Light Hover Tank (TAG)
Lieutenant Zora Panic, Field Artillery (Sniper)
Sergeant Yuk Chu, Field Artillery (Sniper)
Sergeant Magda Smiga, Field Artillery (Sniper)
Sergeant Aloyoshenka Efimyev, Field Artillery (Sniper)
Colonel Ferrer is slowly working towards having full transport assets available for the Company. He received a major boon during the Bryant mission when he was able to claim a Fortress-class and Mule-class dropship as prizes. After receiving a hefty advance from GM/Johnston Industries for the contract on Acamar, he was able to add a second Fortress-class dropship.
The Fortress-class dropship appeals to Colonel Ferrer’s taste for combined arms operations. He hopes to eventually acquire a third Fortress. He would then be able to put a company from each batallion on each Fortress with the few excess infantry and support troops occupying the Mule.
Captain Cowan Sykes, Fortress (2613)
Commander Shaun Abley, Fortress (2613)
Lt. Commander Radomira Obradovic, Fortress (2613)
Lt. Commander Lovise Diehl, Mule (2737)
Romeo Company provides specialized support the remainder of the Company’s units. It is composed of three platoons of combat engineers who can variously build earthworks, bridges, or sweep fields for mines. Additionally, these soldiers serve as astechs during downtime and also assist in securing battlefield salvage. The fourth platoon is composed of four paramedic squads, who can be called into to tend to the wounded after battle. This platoon also includes two Swiftram VTOLs for medvac and search and rescue operations.
Generally, Romeo Company is not considered a frontline unit, but they are trained and equipped to fight, if need be.
Captain Benes Cibik, Combat Engineer Squad Motorized
Sergeant Richard Halii, Combat Engineer Squad Motorized
Corporal Vladik MacCorkill, Combat Engineer Squad Motorized
Corporal Gabriela Nejedly, Combat Engineer Squad Motorized
PFC Bendik Kost, Engineering Vehicle
Lieutenant Marlene Veena, Combat Engineer Squad Motorized
Sergeant Gerald P'ung-Atif, Combat Engineer Squad Motorized
Corporal Giselle Binge, Combat Engineer Squad Motorized
Corporal Aleksis Hamrlik, Combat Engineer Squad Motorized
PFC Chandan Sumon, Engineering Vehicle
Lieutenant Yessenia Bond, Paramedic Squad Motorized
Sergeant Philip Papadakis, Paramedic Squad Motorized
Sergeant Aberama Jirra, Paramedic Squad Motorized
Corporal Ralph Banerjee, Swiftran RTC-215M
Corporal Hun Dinu, Paramedic Squad Motorized
Corporal Hami Genachowski-Yamasaki, Swiftran RTC-215M
Master Sergeant Tony Jones, Heavy BattleMech Recovery Vehicle
Sergeant Cecilia García, Heavy BattleMech Recovery Vehicle
Corporal Ptolemy Wall, Heavy BattleMech Recovery Vehicle
Corporal Pham Leontarakis, Heavy BattleMech Recovery Vehicle