Contract FC 419203-701-3

Location: Kathil
Employer: Federated Commonwealth
Start Date: 15 October 3062
End Date: 15 April 3064
Status: Active

With tension mounting in the Federated Commonwealth, General Motors was keen to protect important assets on places like Kathil, where FedCom units were already in dispute. Impressed by the Company’s performance on Acamar, GM put a bug in the ear of the powers that be in the Capellan March and the outcome was that the Free Company of Oriente was offered a lucrative garrison contract on Kathil. The goal of the contract is to beef up corporate forces at key GM sites on planet, although the contract is being paid through Capellan March sources (reportedly Duke Hasek himself).

After two of months of R&R and re-organization on Outreach, the Company lifted off for their new garrison contract. Although he recognized that a storm was brewing in the Federated Commonwealth, Colonel Ferrer remained hopeful that Kathil would remain free of conflict until the end of their eighteen month contract.

Upon arriving on Kathil, Colonel Ferrer quickly realized that tensions between the Loyalist and Allied factions had reached a near boiling point. Duke Hasek had re-activated the Kathil Capellan March Militia and instructed the Eighth FedCom RCT to relocate to the planet of Lee. The commanding officer of the Eighth, Hauptmann General Mitchell Weintraub, had flatly refused to leave, claiming that his orders came directly from Archon-Princess Steiner-Davion and could only be countermanded by her.

The Company took its orders on planet directly from the planetary ruler, Duke Petyr VanLees, in consultation with a GM liasion. Upon arrival, they were assigned as the primary garrison force for the main GM factory outside of District City. Hauptmann General Weintraub objected to this assignment, claiming that his forces were more than adequate to garrison the factory. However, unwilling to risk an open confrontation at this point, the Eighth eventually cleared out of the factory and allowed the Company to take up residence.

The Company settled into the factory and prepared themselves for the conflict which, at this point, was seeming inevitable.

Mission Details

Contract IND 32336-027-2

Planetary Assault
Location: Acamar
Employer: GM/Johnson Industries
Start Date: 17 March 3060
End Date: 17 May 3062
Status: Success

GM and Johnston Industries depended heavily on raw materials from the rich mines of Acamar and Genoa and were reasonably concerned about the fallout from the Marik-Liao invasion of 3057 that created chaos on both of these planets. Their worst fears were realized when both planets were caught in chaos and revolution and ultimately taken over by military strongmen. In a joint venture, the two companies have hired a variety of mercenary units to take over these planets and help to “install” more stable (and business friendly) governments.

The Company was hired to join the Acamar task force. It is a lengthy and juicy contract promising significant frontline action and a lot of cash. However, the actual assault doesn’t begin until early 3061 and is expected to last three months, after which the Company will help garrison Acamar. Most of the 3060 will be spent training with other mercenary units in the task force on the planet of Novaya Zemlya.

Mission Details

Contract CS 73214-102-1

Riot Duty
Location: Keid
Employer: Comstar
Start Date: 30 August 3059
End Date: 30 December 3059
Status: Success

Comstar approached the Company with another contract offer. It seems that citizens on Keid are rioting against the local Comstar station, complaining of high prices, mismanagement, and immoral activities. Protesters are demanding that the HPG facility be turned over to the Word of Blake.

The Company is to provide added security around the HPG and other Comstar facilities until the major riots and protests have burned themselves out. Riot duty is never a favorite job amongst mercenaries, but Colonel Ferrer felt that after the hard fighting on Bryant, the contract would offer the Company some fairly light duty while providing a steady paycheck.

Mission Details

Contract IND 58722-005-4

Objective Raid
Location: Bryant
Employer: New Home Provisional Government
Start Date: 07 December 3058
End Date: 07 August 3059
Status: Success

Repeated supply raids by pirates have hindered New Home’s provisional government from consolidating power. After learning that the raiders are based on Bryant, the provisional government decided to hire the Company to launch a surprise attack on the brigands on their home turf and either wipe them or destroy their capability for further raids.

New Home intelligence gathering has determined that the unit, which calls itself the Bryant Regulars, is a roughly regimental size combined arms unit of mechs and conventional armor, organized by the Bryant’s leading strongman, Viscount Dvensky. New Home cannot pay very well, but they did dangle a tempting prize. Some of the raiders are using Star League era technology and the New Home officials suspect that Viscount Dvensky’s men have discovered a Star League cache in one of the many ruined cities that dot the storm-wracked planet. They offered the company 100% salvage rights, as well as whatever they find in the cache.

The Company will be hard-pressed to take on an entire regiment but they do have one advantage. Most of the population of Bryant lives in the two polar continents of Altario and Zephyrim to avoid the storms that constantly rage across most of the planet’s surface. The Bryant Regulars must split their garrison between the two continents, with only a few transports to spare. By concentrating their attack on each continent in turn, the Company may have a numerical advantage.

Mission Details

Contract CC-914722-217-4

Planetary Assault
Location: Caph
Employer: Capellan Confederation
Start Date: 18 November 3057
End Date: 18 May 3058
Status: Success

This contract was offered as a direct follow up contract to the guerilla contract on Caph. The Company is to work with the Always Faithful mercenary unit and guerilla forces to secure the world of Caph.

Mission Details

Contract CC-914722-217-3

Location: Caph
Employer: Capellan Confederation
Start Date: 09 August 3057
End Date: 09 December 3057
Status: Success

A Capellan agent covertly approached the Company while on R&R in Outreach. It seems the Cappies are planning some kind of action in Sarna March and want to soften up the opposition a little by supporting local guerillas. The Company has been hired to be covertly smuggled onto Caph where they will support guerilla activities. Upon the completion of this assignment, The Company will begin a planetary assault contract on Caph.

Mission Details

Contract DC 10978-210-3

Extraction Raid
Location: Hyner
Employer: Draconis Combine
Start Date: 07 December 3056
End Date: 07 March 3057
Status: Success

The Draconis Combine wishes to retrieve an important nobleman’s family that was trapped behind enemy lines during the Clan invasion. Based on intel, the garrisoning force of Smoke Jaguars is believed to be a second-line solamnha unit.

Mission Details

Contract CS-21399-010-3

Cadre Duty
Location: Terra
Employer: Comstar
Start Date: 30 June 3055
End Date: 29 July 3056
Status: Success

With the bulk of the Comguard rotated to the Free Rasalhague Republic to keep an eye on the clans, Comstar is anxious to improve the quality and quantity of its Terran defense forces. It is hiring mercenary units to provide training to new recruits.

The Company has been hired to train a combined arms division of mostly armor and infantry assigned to the Castle Brian in Singapore.

Mission Details

Contract TC-41236-004-1

Pirate Hunting
Location: Aea
Employer: Taurian Concordat
Start Date: 02 June 3054
End Date: 02 January 3055
Status: Success

A pirate group known as the Jameson Gang has been aggressively raiding both Taurian and Capellan worlds from an unknown periphery base. The Gang, run by three brothers named Jesse, Ian, and Jarvis, is believed to consist of roughly two companies of older battlemechs. The Taurians have hired the Company to search out these pirates and annhilate them, offering an additional two million C-bill reward for each Jameson, dead or alive.

Interestingly, the Capellans were offering a similar contract, but with far fewer fringe benefits.

Mission Details

Contract FC-57809-021-3

Recon Raid
Location: Capella
Employer: Federated Commonwealth
Start Date: 28 November 3053
End Date: 28 February 3054
Status: Success

The MIIO has traced insurgent activity on Saiph back to what they believe is a guerilla training camp on Capella. They have approached the Company about a recon raid to gather more information.

The Company will travel into system on a modified Mule acting as a merchant. Once the Mule diverts from its path, they will have approximately 2 hours to investigate the camp and gather any intel they can. Resistance is expected to be light and consist of irregular infantry and some fixed emplacements.

Mission Details

Contract FC 56507-019-2

Riot Duty
Location: Saiph
Employer: Federated Commonwealth
Start Date: 27 May 3053
End Date: 27 November 3053
Status: Success

A worker’s strike at the Sitwell Corporation’s LoaderMech manufacturing facilities has spread like wildfire through the capital city, igniting a flame of revolt amongst the fiercely independent, tribal inhabitants of Saiph. While most of the violence seems to be directed at opposing ethnic enclaves, there have been some attacks on the standing government and the MIIO suspects pro-Liao guerillas to be involved. The local planetary governor is interested in hiring mercenary forces to safeguard key facilities and put an end to the riots.

Mission Details