Contract CS-21399-010-3
Cadre DutyLocation: Terra
Employer: Comstar
Start Date: 30 June 3055
End Date: 29 July 3056
Status: Success
With the bulk of the Comguard rotated to the Free Rasalhague Republic to keep an eye on the clans, Comstar is anxious to improve the quality and quantity of its Terran defense forces. It is hiring mercenary units to provide training to new recruits.
The Company has been hired to train a combined arms division of mostly armor and infantry assigned to the Castle Brian in Singapore.
Jungle Fever
03 October 3055Status: Victory
While The Company was out on a training mission, a radical paramilitary group with suspected blakist ties called Liberate Terra took over a supply depot near the Castle Brian. They are mostly irregular infantry troops, but they have also managed to commandeer a lance of Comstar mechs. Their goal appears to be to abscond with the mechs and supplies into the surrounding jungles. Third battalion and its training cadres have been tasked with containing the bandits until heavier armor units from Second can arrive.
After-Action Report
Sierra and Tango companies along with their Comguard cadres were able to keep the guerillas busy long enough for Delta companies’ assault tanks to arrive and crush the resistance, but at great cost. Fifteen of the company’s soldiers would never walk away from the fight. In their training of the comguards, the Company also learned a valuable lesson: never send infantry forward without support.
Comstar was grateful for the service rendered and gifted the Company with some equipment to help ease the pain of their loss.